In Andhra Pradesh state there are many orphaned and destitute children in remote villages and urban towns in desperate need for help. The majority of children we care had parents died of HIV/ AIDS, Tuberculosis, Cancer, Jaundice or committing suicides. The situation for a boy or girl lives in poverty and having lost parents is not just physical survival but mental stress too.
In this state 80% of people still depend upon agriculture. In some seasons severe floods or droughts hit heavily on farmers causing economic distress. Very often farmers commit suicides because loss of crop or fall of market prices.
In these circumstances, even the children have some kind of property; the relative’s tries to grab them, do not care for them as guardians and ill-treat them if they have no option but to stay at their homes. Thus lead children find alternatives such as orphanages or forced themselves out on the streets.
HEARTS FOUNDATION is reaching out to such children in the districts where it’s working and offering a better future through “HEARTS CHILDREN HOME” for children in need.
We do not make children or youth dependent on us but independent by facilitating various opportunities primarily education to stand on their own feet.